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In January 2016 I had a shock, luckily for me this shock wasn't a health scare (which it easily could have been). It was a visual scare, whilst on holiday a friend took a selfie of us, it was in the moment I saw that selfie I realised just how big I was. When we returned i weighed in at 18st 9lbs, never did I think I was so big, with health scares such as type 2 diabetes, chronic heart disease, increased risk of some cancers such as bowel cancer in sight I had to change. I started by simply changing my diet, not following one of these fad diets that promise results, but then the second you stop you double the weight you lost. 
Due to previously having dislocated both my knees exercise was scary, so I didn't do it to start with. In the next nine months I quite smoking, I lost 4st and then actually built up the courage to start running!!! I signed up to the British Heart Foundations My Marathon, then to Ultra White Collar Boxings charity fight in Ipswich. In the fight I damaged my rotator cuff in my right shoulder, but I didn't let this stop me. I was determined to continue losing weight and improving my health whilst reducing the health risks that where oh so close to becoming a reality. In this time I also suffered mentally with depression, anxiety and much more. The exercise helped me control those mental issues, built my confidence and made sleeping easier. It was in February 2017 that I decided that this is what I want to do, I want to help people like YOU to achieve their goals, to feel better about themselves and to reach their true potential. No matter what your goals are I can help you, and TOGETHER we will take on this journey, together we will reach the highs, conquer the lows and achieve what you thought "impossible"... 
That is why for a limited time only I am offering an introductory rate of £25 an hour, thats £10 saved each hour!!! 
so if you have the recommended minimum of 4 sessions a month thats a £40 saving!!! 
Come grab it while you can and find the new you, whether you want to get that summer body, lose fat, gain muscle, tone up, train for a marathon etc I can help you!!!


Don't like the idea of 1-2-1 training?? 
That's fine, ask a friend to split the cost with you and do your sessions together!!! 


1-2-1 training, with a program designed just for you to suit your needs and your lifestyle!!! 


I offer a FREE* consultation prior to the initial sessions commencing.
Using SMART goals together you and I decide on goals that best suit your needs and your goals.
Sessions are planned in advance and catered to YOU.

Nutritional advice available* 
Text reminders 24hrs prior to sessions.
1-2-1 training.
Experience in muscular hypertrophy and weight loss.

Qualifications in process: Advanced fitness testing, Bootcamp and circuits, Group cycle instructor and Les Mills RPM 



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Most of the photos found on this website where found on google images, I don not claim these to be my own. 

Call/Text: 07939026277


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